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This is your brain on relocation

Relocation is stressful without a doubt. There are hundreds if not thousands of decisions that need to be made for a family relocating. The process is both time consuming and stressful, even when a company provides employees with a relocation management service provider to support them. 

As a service provider, our counselors get specialized training on how stress can impact someone going through the relocation process. Set in the context of David Rock's SCARF™ model, Jon Harman from CORT Destination Services just delivered a excellent training program entitled "This Is Your Brain on Relocation" to our employees. Undoubtedly our team will be armed with an even better understanding of how they can positively support relocating employees manage one of the most stressful events in someone's life.

Unfortunately, many stressors aren’t perceived as positive challenges—good stress—but as negative threats—bad stress. Trying to cope with significant events such as divorce, job, school, new house, financial hardships, conflicts, health issues, and death often result in persistent stress. The effects of chronic bad stress are well known. It’s been estimated that between 75 - 90% of all physician visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. Your nervous system reacts by continuing to pump out excess stress hormones that wear out the body’s reserves and leave you feeling depleted. Your immune system is compromised, leaving you more prone to infections. Your blood pressure is elevated; you have an upset stomach, headache, diabetes, asthma, heart


stress, relocation, management, scarf, education, david rock, empathy, support, understanding, training