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Considering the differences between great managers and great leaders

If you Google famous quotes regarding "great leaders" and "great managers" you will get pages of thought provoking commentary on various aspects of each, but the infographic contained in the below article lists out 17 different traits that set them apart from each other. My top three are in the image I added:

Managers follow the map, see the problem and minimize risks (all good things that every company needs and values), but Leaders carve new roads, see an opportunity and take risks (also all good things that every company needs and values).

What are your top 3?

Time for some brutal honesty: Not all great leaders make great managers, and not all great managers make great leaders. It takes more than just a title to be great and inspire people to get behind you. A successful business owner needs to be both a great manager and a great leader to get their team to follow their vision. Thanks to the great people of, we can compare 17 traits of managers and leaders side by side. Most people will identify with some qualities from each column. How many do you identify with? Take a look.


leaders, managers, skills, traits