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Seize the moment for gender equality

Are female assignments on the rise? Are we doing enough to encourage females to go on assignment? Both valid questions that should be addressed when looking at your mobility programme. I'll also note, these aren't the only questions surrounding this topic that should be reviewed for mobility programmes, and business in general. Most recently there has been an optimistic and dramatic shift in the response to gender imbalances.

This piece in the Times contains some excellent content on the topic of gender equality in the workplace and also recognises the Top 50 UK companies for their efforts to date. The Times Top 50 Employers for Women is compiled by Business in The Community (BITC) and these Top 50 companies are eligible to win the Gender Equality Award which recognises work towards gender diversity and inclusion. Along with showcasing 50 UK companies that have stood out for their efforts in closing the women in business gap, the author shares four factors that "have coincided to improve the chances of a breatkthrough in the quest for gender equality."

The four factors are:

  1. The digital revolution - enabling employees to work from wherever, whenever. This allows organisations to focus on "outcomes instead of desk hours."
  2. The shake-up in power - empowering women to take leadership roles. Where once empathy and emotional intelligence hindered women from taking leadership roles, this is now necessary in order to be the best leader.
  3. Work-life balance - for both genders. This means having males at home caring for children whilst women are working. And beyond this, having the opportunity for family/personal time outside of work. 
  4. Increased longevity - inherently transforming career paths. "Often, the time women are having children coincides with the moment their male colleagues throw everything at their careers." This means, women have more time to achieve their career goals.

If you're interested in reading more on women in business, check out this post on the topic.  

Reports of gender imbalance are not new, but the dramatic shift in responses across all spheres of society is cause for optimism - and smart businesses chasing the brightest talent are taking note. "It's not about having a few more women in the boardroom."