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The impact of customer experience

Frequently, the best lessons come from outside your organization and industry. In this LinkedIn article by Jim Petzel titled, "Why Companies with Good Products Go Belly Up," he explains that while the piece of workout equipment was top of the line and great quality, the experience was bad and he will never work with that company again.

He goes on to point out that:

  1. Companies fail when they don't take ownership for their supply chain
  2. Companies fail when customers simply can't reach them easily
  3. Companies fail when their front line staff does not have the skills, or are discouraged to think on their feet and take action
  4. Companies fail when they create needless silos especially if those silos are customer facing
  5. Companies fail when the only way to escalate an issue is to never do business with them again

Want to make an impact on your global mobility program? Spend some time evaluating and then overhauling the experience of your stakeholders. Leverage the art and science of the experience design technique and consider the journey phases, the touch points, the emotional impact of anxiety and pace in the process and their specific needs. Then give your internal (and external) customers the experience that you want them to have! 

One truth from Mr. Petzel that applies whether your customer is internal or external is that "the customer experience always wins!"

The process started really great. We made payment and the order was shipped off in a couple of days. That however was the only thing that has gone right in this process and it reminded me again why companies with good products ultimately fail. I know this organization has a good product because we have had previous models over the years and we didn’t just use them to hang clothes. We actually did use them. We will however never buy from this outfit again because they have lost the plot along the way in the following ways that can be a lesson to all of us in our businesses:


customer experience, employee experience, external vs internal customer, success, value, design experience