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Win talent with mobility

This article from Undercover Recruiter speaks to setting your recruitment process up properly from the start so that you are focusing on the right people that will be successful within your organization. Companies are encouraged to make sure they have a strong definition for who the "ideal candidate" really is, know the intricacies of the available position, and improve your strategy for identifying the right talent during the process.

When relocation is part of the conversation, don't let that be a hurdle. Make that part of the conversation that helps to actually attract them. A candidate that learns you offer a quality relocation program, that provides support and fits their needs is going to have a much-improved experience. A stronger connection between global mobility and recruiters can make the difference in many talent scenarios. 

Here are some recent posts for those that want to know how to help improve your ability to attract and win talent.

How to speed up your recruitment process and bring on the best talent

Thinking about recruiting mobile talent? Then check this out

Innovate to find the 'purple squirrels'

A first impression says everything, especially when it comes to turnover

Although not every new hire relocates for a job, the amount of support that is offered and the experience that the relocating population has will leave a lasting impression on them, whether that be good or bad. Just remember, when an employee relocates for a job at your company, that’s their biggest first impression they have of the company, and you probably want to make it a positive experience for them.

Talent recruiters know the challenges of identifying the right person for the position and the organization. Even if the candidate is perfect on paper, there is a wealth of subtle answers and behaviors that recruiters need to examine. Employers now face low unemployment rates. This results in a business era where employees increasingly seek the right position for their needs and are not hesitant to make job changes as they see fit.


recruitment, war for talent, hiring process, candidate experience, key hires