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Expat wives' biggest fear in southeast Asia? Hubby running off with a bargirl

I have not seen many surveys that get into it, outside of suggesting that "family issues" are at the center of a failed assignment. But this recent article in The Telegraph, touches on one of those topics that would be very challenging to discuss with a couple prior to heading off on a global assignment.   

Dr. Yvonne McNulty, an associate faculty member at SIM University in Singapore, did a study called, “Till Stress Do Us Part: The Causes and Consequences of Expatriate Divorce,” where she studied 38 expat divorces in 27 countries and found a range of issues. “The way a lot of women described it was that their husbands were a big fish in a small pond,” says Dr. McNulty. “Western men are considered a prize catch, and women are ruthless in how they pursue them.”

This article explains that an expat man that has seen better days is still seen as a chick magnet. "It may be a cliché, but it’s one that worries many expat wives out here.  Horror stories of so-and-so’s hubby running off with the Filipina maid, or a Vietnamese cutie/Thai bargirl he met on a business trip are rife at expat coffee mornings." 

Wondering how much of this is fact or fiction? How would you propose this being addressed then by the company?

As an American friend here in Singapore remarked to me the other day: “There's a certain kind of man who, after years of being ugly, suddenly is not when he comes to Asia. He’s flocked by young women and realises they had him all wrong back at home, it must have been the harsh overhead lights of his office. In this bar in Bangkok, hey, he’s Prince Charming.”