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Considering what drives a global assignment

Many global assignments fit perfectly into the Venn diagram space where global mobility intersects with talent management – in that space called talent mobility. Sometimes the primary assignment reason is more oriented to simply getting the job done (business development) rather than employee development, while other assignments are geared more toward talent development, where getting business completed is more incidental to the career progression.  

This article challenges organizations to really consider that side of the spectrum that is about employee development and career progression if the end goal is to maximize engagement and increase retention of high-potential employees. Maybe it is time to re-evaluate your repatriation process and develop a stronger approach to assessing ROI?

This means that the organisation runs a very clear risk that their investment (both financial and developmental) will simply walk away once the assignment is over and some other organisation is going to reap the benefit. In summary, the organisation should be considering the following changes: 1.) Define whether the reward will take the form of financial assistance or whether you consider the development itself as the reward. 2.) Understand whether the assignee and their family have the personal attributes necessary to be successful. 3.) Clarify the goals of the assignment. 4.) Be very clear about next career steps following the assignment, ensure that they are acted upon and pay high attention to the re-integration process.


roi, talent mobility, retention, employee development, expatriate, assignments