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Can an entrepreneurial mindset help you reach your mobility goals?

The early part of a new year is ideal for setting personal or professional goals, and the same holds true in the mobility industry. So what do you want to accomplish in 2022?

When we asked mobility professionals about the top priorities for their programs this year, these three items rose to the top of the list: aligning with talent strategy, improving the employee experience and increasing mobility volume/resuming "on hold" moves. In addition to these items, mobility pros likely share a number of more personal goals, such as being better leaders or strengthening relationships inside and outside of work.

To reach your team or individual goals in 2022, you may want to take on an “entrepreneurial mindset.” I’m not suggesting that you need to start a new business, but you can try to think like an entrepreneur. In the post below, a number of successful entrepreneurs shared their thoughts on how to thrive this year. While their advice was directed at small business owners, I think it can be applied to anyone looking to be an impactful leader — and that includes mobility leaders.

These entrepreneurs identified three main things to focus on:

  • Embrace Innovation
  • Value the Small Wins
  • Build Connection Through Empathy

I think each one of these is so important. Embracing innovation is all about trying new things within our mobility programs and not getting stuck in ruts. Think about your “mobility philosophy” and what you really want to accomplish, then boldly pursue that vision.

Valuing small wins is critical because we all know how challenging the last two years have been for everyone. And specifically in mobility, constantly changing border closures and travel restrictions have made progress slower than anyone would like. That’s why it’s good to celebrate incremental improvement! It’s also a good reminder to keep a fairly short outlook and plan in smaller chunks — while long-term goals are great to have, it’s also valuable to have more manageable milestones you can reach (and celebrate!) in the near term.

Finally, empathy should always be top of mind in our industry. Being empathetic toward the relocating employee experience is a great first step in understanding how to improve that experience. And empathy can power innovation, too!

Want to talk about reaching your mobility goals in 2022? We’d love to hear from you! Ready to find a new mobility partner this year? Register for our upcoming webinar on navigating the mobility buying process!

American Express's new video series Business Class: The Series spotlights candid, real-world business lessons from well-known entrepreneurs, taking viewers on a journey across the world and spanning industries--from fashion to fitness, design, and more--in episodes that cover topics such as marketing, leadership, and finance. These entrepreneurs have not only risen to the top of their fields but have led their teams through major changes over the past two years. Here are some highlights from those conversations to help small-business owners thrive in 2022.


mobility, entrepreneurs, business strategy, business development, leadership, leadership skills, innovation, empathy, goals, planning, mobility program