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Don't let your global mobility program "quietly quit" on you.

There have been so many articles and discussion on the topic and buzzword of "quiet quitting" and how it became the next phase of the ongoing "Great Resignation". During the second half of 2022, the term really gained momentum. This CNBC article puts it concisely, saying that quiet quitting is a trend where employees choose to not go above and beyond in their jobs and basically choose to do the bare minimum, skipping extra assignments that fall out of their core duties. Leave it to Tiktok to help the term go viral. 

While this was or is (supposedly) going on with individual workers, my question becomes, is it possible for bigger processes, like a global mobility program, to quietly quit? If quiet quitting is about avoiding, or not trying to reach excellence, then maybe the answer is yes. If a mobility program is just "getting by", unwilling to take any risk and seek improvement then maybe we can refer to that as a program that has "quietly quit".  

Heading into a new year, many businesses and their respective functions (like accounting, payroll, HR, global mobility) create initiatives to focus on areas of improvement for teams and programs. What initiatives will be the focus for your global mobility program over the next 12 months? Will a possible recession push your program to evaluate opportunities for cost savings? Might there be a focus on improving the mobile employee experience? Will you be evauating or trying to develop new technology to elevate the program's performance? Will you be spending time developing any new policies or maybe benchmarking a specific policy to make it more competitive? Or have compliancy and risk management moved to the top of your priority list?  

Last year, we posted about "Charting the course ahead - where will your global mobility programs focus in 2022?". Our research revealed that the top five priorities for 2022 were:

  1. Aligning with talent strategy (attracting/retaining employees)
  2. Improving the employee experience
  3. Increasing mobility volume and resuming "on hold" moves
  4. Addressing remote work issues
  5. Increasing program and policy flexibility

But after a tumultuous and volatile year, with so many new and unique issues that presented themselves, what has happened in 2022 that will create areas of focus for your mobility program? Feel free to scroll back through our Trending Topics from 2022 to consider. And if you are at a point where you are considering how to help your program avoid "quiet quitting" then learn more about how our cutting-edge Point C platform can help you transform your program.  

* Prioritizing quality of life for employees is one of the biggest career trends of 2022. * Employers may go through a culture shift to meet workers desire for flexible work arrangements. * Despite large, high-profile layoffs, many companies still need to retain and hire new workers.