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The impact of relocation on the new hire experience

New talent is critical to a healthy and dynamic organization. Companies put a lot of resources into every stage of finding and hiring, which is why every touchpoint in the early stages of the relationship with a new employee matters. According to this article from HR Drive, "seventy percent of new hires said they decide if a new job is the right fit for them within the first month, and 29% know within the first week, according to the results of the survey of 1,565 full-time U.S. employees and 500 HR professionals." Add a relocation on top of the sometimes overwhelming process of onboarding and you can imagine the variety of ways in which things could get off track and create negative experiences. 

According to a Sept. 20 report from BambooHR, a cloud-based human resources platform, employers have 44 days on average to “make or break” a new hire, and first impressions make a lasting impression! There are some typical culprits to a bad experience too. During onboarding, employees’ top frustrations are a lack of clarity about who can answer questions (65%), inadequate training on company products and services (62%), and technology issues (51%). It is also important to note that new hires said they value workplace friendships more than meeting the CEO, with 87% hoping to make a friend at work and 93% wanting to shadow a colleague. 

The article shares:

“Smart organizations know that onboarding is actually ‘hiring phase two’ and is much more than a welcome email and a tech checklist,” Grantham said. “Those critical first 44 days need to create new hire confidence by continuing to advocate for the company’s mission and values, the importance of the role they fill and the plans for growth and success a new employee can anticipate.”

How will relocation impact the success of hiring someone new? Knowing how disruptive and distracting the relocation process can be, it can be the critical thing that cements a good (or bad) experience at a new company. Because relocation nearly always comes with a high level of effort required for the new hire, there's a lot of potential for a catastrophe. Lack of tailored support and benefits that actually fit a new hire's moving needs can quickly turn a relocation into a stressful and frustrating journey. 

In fact, let's re-write that quote above by adding in "relocation" for that new hire and you get: “Smart organizations know that onboarding and relocation are actually ‘hiring phase two’ and are much more than a welcome email, a tech checklist, and a lump sum to move.” And maybe you're already offering something a bit more supportive than just a lump sum, but have you added the right combination of structure, support, and flexibility to ensure that there is room to adjust and meet the unique needs for the employee and family?

We have lots of ideas that can help you consider and create an improved program. Start with revisiting this post which gives you the "secret"!

The secret to a great mobility experience can't be stressed enough!

Employers have 44 days on average to “make or break” a new hire, and first impressions make a lasting impression, according to a Sept. 20 report from BambooHR, a cloud-based human resources platform. About 44% of new employees say they have regrets or second thoughts about their new job within the first week, and 23% cried during their first week, according to the report.


relocation, new hire, onboarding