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Top 7 "Moments in France"

I have read so many of those advice articles, "Top 10  Tips...", "5 Most Important..." but this one was just a really fun read in which the 7 mini experiential stories speak for themselves.  Successful expats are usually:

* Adventurous

* Culturally sensitive

* Curious

* Flexible

* Open minded

* Appreciative

Successful expats can handle the occasional flub or set back. Another helpful quality is just a plain old "good sense of humor!"

Being an expat has moments that are difficult, funny, exciting, even terrifying and no two countries are alike. Here are a few of the moments that France has to offer: # 7: The Language Moment: The time you accidentally offend people.Speaking in a different language is always complicated, no matter how long you have studied it. Every language has subtle nuances and phrases that are cultural not just linguistic. You may be able to understand every single grammatical rule of a particular language but still be lost when you are in a country that actually speaks it…and French is no exception.


france, expatriate, experiences, language, culture, understanding, appreciation