Mar 13, 2023 How does the Zeigarnik effect apply to global assignment management? By Chris Pardo The Zeigarnik Effect In 1927 in the journal Psychologische Forschung, a Lithuanian psychologist named Bluma Zeigarnik first published her...
Jan 12, 2023 Redefining VUCA for Global Mobility By Chris Pardo VUCA is an acronym that encompasses a collection of 4 risk categories: volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It's a term...
Jul 28, 2022 Is it more expensive for LGBTQ+ to own a home? By Chris Pardo Since the Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality in 2015, the housing market has seen a marked increase in both interest and demand...
Sep 03, 2020 Uncertainty, anxiety translating into more stress for relocating employees (and most everyone else) By Chris Pardo Uncertainty = anxiety, and that translates into "stress." Interesting, and yet not surprising, that internet searches for words related...
May 22, 2019 Emotions, empathy and managing mobility By Chris Pardo Here is a pretty scary statement with potentially spooky repercussions for the world that I stumbled upon from the Forbes article, How...
Dec 22, 2017 Three things you won't anticipate when repatriating By Chris Pardo The return of an assignee from a long-term assignment can be a time of uncertainty for both the returning expat and the company. The...
Jun 01, 2017 Why cultural diversity (and appreciation) matters By Chris Pardo Three-quarters of the world’s major conflicts have a cultural dimension. Bridging the gap between cultures is urgent and necessary for...
May 24, 2017 Be careful where you smile: Culture shapes judgments of intelligence and honesty of smiling individuals By Chris Pardo A smile can mean something different depending on where you are and what cultural environment you are in. Shelley Batts explains in her...
Jun 06, 2016 Top 7 "Moments in France" By Chris Pardo I have read so many of those advice articles, "Top 10 Tips...", "5 Most Important..." but this one was just a really fun read in which...
Mar 17, 2016 This is your brain on relocation By Chris Pardo Relocation is stressful without a doubt. There are hundreds if not thousands of decisions that need to be made for a family relocating....