3/31/2023 4:52:36 PM AI that supports global mobility? By Chris Pardo AI has gotten a lot of attention in the news lately, with a lot of contemplation and speculation on how it will change the workplace. The...
3/28/2023 1:44:13 PM Global mobility and adjusting to increased tax risks By Joe Benevides There's no question that the changing nature of how and where work is getting completed has certainly added new complications to tax...
3/24/2023 2:04:47 PM Positivity versus potential challenges in the mobility world By Chris Pardo We try to stay alert with what we are hearing from the travel industry, particularly on the business travel side of things as there is a...
3/21/2023 4:23:39 PM ICYMI: tracking the happenings that impact your mobility programs! By Chris Pardo Here we are with the latest bi-weekly ICYMI update (and the first of Spring 2023) that looks around the world to help you consider the...
3/16/2023 3:15:26 PM Key immigration trends for 2023 By Chris Pardo In what has become a crazy environment for talent over the last few years, many companies are wondering what to even look for as they...
3/13/2023 2:36:14 PM How does the Zeigarnik effect apply to global assignment management? By Chris Pardo The Zeigarnik Effect In 1927 in the journal Psychologische Forschung, a Lithuanian psychologist named Bluma Zeigarnik first published her...
3/9/2023 4:14:54 PM The secret to a great mobility experience can't be stressed enough! By Chris Pardo It turns out that reducing stress is the best way to guarantee a great relocation experience. This might not be the most surprising...
3/7/2023 2:23:22 PM ICYMI: Scan and plan for what's impacting global mobility! By Chris Pardo Digital nomad visas continue to grow in popularity around the world. These visas have become increasingly popular and common over the...
3/6/2023 2:23:02 PM ChatGPT on advancing women's leadership By Susan Benevides How much has really changed over the last few years for women? According to Fortune, this month, for the first time in a 68-year history,...
3/2/2023 3:30:00 PM Does your mobility team have the right skills? By Chris Pardo Mobility isn't a one-size-fits-all function. Companies have to consider the degree of centralization, the level of outsourcing, and where...