5/26/2021 4:37:40 PM Holy “Carpocalypse,” Batman! By Chris Pardo We are continuing to track some of the unique pandemic-related elements that are impacting global mobility programs and we kick things...
5/25/2021 9:23:47 PM A year after George Floyd’s murder, diversity is on the mind of business leaders By Susan Benevides George Floyd was murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin on May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis — home of Plus’s global headquarters — and the...
5/25/2021 2:29:25 PM Inventory issues continue to limit home sales and push up prices By Joe Benevides The sale of existing homes in the U.S. decreased about 3 percent between March and April — largely due to an inventory that continues to...
5/24/2021 1:17:08 PM The ongoing impact of COVID-19 on corporate intern programs By Chris Pardo This time last year, companies were scrambling to consider how to handle their 2020 corporate interns. We posted about what we were...
5/20/2021 12:00:00 AM ICYMI: Staying on top of current happenings remains a top priority for mobility programs By Chris Pardo As time passes, the pandemics continues, but many are excited about what the future is expected to bring. On Thursday, May 13 the CDC...
5/20/2021 12:00:00 AM Remote work would lead to relocation for many By Chris Pardo Survey after survey continue to prove that the workforce prefers remote work and hybrid work arrangements over a physical full-time...
5/18/2021 1:18:56 PM As re-entry begins, how can global mobility help to enhance employee engagement across an organization? By Chris Pardo Employee engagement represents the relationship an employer has with its employees and has been shown to be tied directly to a company's...
5/13/2021 9:24:29 PM It's like being there...except virtual By Chris Pardo The pandemic forced many of us into remote work and drastically reduced travel as countries implemented restrictions and lockdowns....
5/11/2021 1:33:10 PM Sweats or suits? Dress code rules are a microcosm of meeting employees where they are By Susan Benevides Admit it: If you’ve worked at home for most of or all of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, you’ve found yourself slipping into sweatpants...
5/10/2021 12:00:00 AM Flex appeal: Which work model will be most attractive to top talent and where will relocation fit? By Chris Pardo As companies re-evaluate how they work best and consider how employees want to work in the future, there is a lot to consider and...
5/6/2021 12:00:00 AM ICYMI: Looking at the most recent impacts of COVID-19 on global mobility programs By Chris Pardo According to CNN, America's daily COVID-19 cases and deaths are now about one fifth of what they were during their winter peaks. As much...
5/5/2021 3:23:08 PM Catching up on the latest immigration developments and their impact to mobility By Joe Benevides I recently touched on the latest U.S. Census data, which shows that the country’s population grew at the slowest rate since 1790, in part...