2/28/2020 3:59:36 PM The rise of the male trailing spouse By Chris Pardo Michael Nesbit, consulting services specialist at Plus Relocation Services wrote the post below. Take it away Michael - The idea of the...
2/26/2020 3:58:48 PM New proposed immigration fees would hit businesses hard By Chris Pardo Back in November 2019, the Department of Homeland Security proposed increased fees across numerous business categories that would impact...
2/25/2020 8:25:17 PM Is your global mobility team culturally competent? By Chris Pardo If anyone within a company should be culturally competent, shouldn't it be the global mobility team? We can debate that, but while there...
2/24/2020 4:36:02 PM UK outlines points-based immigration system By Joe Benevides The United Kingdom is poised to adopt a points-based immigration system next year to cover all migrants — not just those from outside the...
2/24/2020 3:27:55 PM Be aware of these 5 risks when managing your business traveler program By Chris Pardo Unless flygskam has a greater impact than expected, according to GBTA, business travel is slated to grow by only 3.1% for 2019, the...
2/21/2020 3:40:53 PM Los Angeles now the least affordable housing market in the U.S. By Joe Benevides California still stakes its claim as having the least affordable housing market in the country, but the specific spot is now occupied by...
2/20/2020 10:58:41 PM Air shipment costs rising due to impact of COVID-19 By Chris Pardo As the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic continues, we see its impact spreading to areas within the global mobility supply chain. We have...
2/20/2020 3:36:27 PM The simple thing to look for when hiring leaders By Susan Benevides Warren Buffett knows a thing or two about business success, so when he has advice on hiring, it’s a good idea to listen. The billionaire...
2/19/2020 8:51:43 PM How the urban mobility factor impacts the global mobility factor By Chris Pardo One of the things that has to be considered for an international assignment to be successful (and maybe slightly less expensive) is how...
2/19/2020 3:52:04 PM Win talent with mobility By Chris Pardo This article from Undercover Recruiter speaks to setting your recruitment process up properly from the start so that you are focusing on...
2/18/2020 12:00:00 AM The 5 biggest global mobility myths By Chris Pardo There is a reason that it takes a village to run a quality talent mobility program. This ShieldGeo article lays out five widely held, but...
2/12/2020 10:16:50 PM The modern family is changing By Joe Benevides If it seems like the relocating families you work with have been getting smaller, it’s probably because they have. New data from the U.S....