12/27/2018 5:16:20 PM Shenzhen gets set for next-gen transformation By Anonymous China is putting Shenzhen at the front line for innovation. It's becoming a global hub for tech with new policies. Silicon Valley may...
12/26/2018 7:07:00 PM Considering the Zeigarnik effect on the relocation experience By Chris Pardo The Zeigarnik effect is that tendency of "remembering something just long enough to finish a task, and then completely forgetting" it...
12/21/2018 2:28:36 PM Which city will benefit the most from a 'Brexodus?' By Anonymous With UK Prime Minister Theresa May delaying the House of Commons vote on the Brexit Agreement comes continued anxiety on how this will...
12/19/2018 6:43:46 PM A post of Christmas past - What heads of global mobility want for Christmas this year By Chris Pardo Hey mobility managers and directors, The original post on this was two years ago (Dec 2016) where we tapped into an article written by...
12/17/2018 12:00:00 AM Think moving talent to Dublin is easy? Then you might be "away with the fairies!" By Chris Pardo Earlier in 2018, this article by Eva Short stated that in the latest valuation by the Global Talent Competitiveness Index, Dublin ranked...
12/14/2018 12:00:00 AM Raise your G-A-M-E (global assignment management expertise) By Chris Pardo What does it take to be a true global assignment management expert? There are so many areas of expertise when managing a truly global...
12/13/2018 5:35:44 PM Japan opens its door to a flood of expats By Anonymous Talent shortage within the APAC region is a well-known subject, however the reason for talent shortages may not be the same for every...
12/13/2018 5:32:16 PM Why the housing market is slumping despite a booming economy By Chris Pardo Kyle Werremeyer (GMS) is a client relations manager here at Plus Relocation. In his role, he helps to keep client programs working on all...
12/12/2018 2:53:17 PM What's the Netherlands’ 30% ruling? By Joe Benevides There’s a big change coming to an incentivized tax break for expats working in the Netherlands that will affect how long they can receive...
12/5/2018 3:22:46 PM Which countries are the best at attracting talent? By Chris Pardo The latest edition of the World Talent Rankings from the IMD Business School are out. The full ranking is available here. This is the...
12/4/2018 8:16:43 PM Raising the red flag By Susan Benevides How do you know if you’ve got the right person for the job? This article, "5 Red Flags that a Transferee Might not be Successful,"...
12/3/2018 12:00:00 AM Gain insight - check out "Anna on Assignment" By Chris Pardo Want to better understand the assignment experience? Then try heading off on assignment, interviewing assignees or reading a firsthand...