Employee engagement represents the relationship an employer has with its employees and has been shown to be tied directly to a company's profitability. New Horizons, a company that provides services for global expansion and strategic recruitment, explains that, "Engaged employees are more productive, satisfied and do not leave the company." Mercer's definition helps to clarify just how valuable "employee engagement" really is: "We define engagement as a psychological state in which employees feel a vested interest in the company’s success and are both willing and motivated to perform to levels that exceed the stated job requirements."
A 2015 Aon Hewitt report (kind of old but very solid and relevant) noted that a 5% increase in employee engagement is linked to a 3% increase in revenue growth in the subsequent year. You get the picture on why some feel that employee engagement is the holy grail of talent management. There are other benefits too — less turnover, longer tenure and fewer sick days are just a few examples.
While there are many areas to consider and focus on for elevating employee engagement within a company, mobility programs can consider how their policies and processes play into the employee engagement scene. Many employees view the opportunity to relocate or go on an assignment as a recognition and reward from their employer. This article from HigherEdJobs explains how stretch assignments can keep high performers engaged and growing. These types of workers learn and evolve quickly, are motivated to extend themselves and seek out growth opportunities, and assignments — particularly international assignments — are perfect for meeting those needs. These assignments are a very potent strategy for employee retention.
When it comes to gazing out into the post-pandemic future, some mobility programs are looking at additional program possibilities for maintaining or elevating employee engagement. For those companies that have gotten comfortable with remote work, both virtual assignments and "de-location" support are newer tools that can be developed and deployed to support engagement, development and retention of employees. Other companies are looking at allowing employees the option to spend a month in another office. Mobility programs will be able to support initiatives like this by deploying new versions of extended business travel (EBT) or short-term assignment (STA) policies that can provide the right degree of support and effectively manage/track these employees.
Are you finding any specific initiatives that are evolving post-pandemic within your company where global mobility is able to add value in consulting, developing or even managing a new program or process? We are! Check out our latest piece that could help your company prepare for an effective return to the workplace: "Re-imagining reentry: 3 things for mobility to consider for an effective return to the office."