We’ve all been there as consumers: You buy a fancy new piece of technology and rip open the box in excitement so you can try it out. Then a sobering reality hits — you’re not really sure what to do with your new toy.
At this point, you could reach for the instruction manual and study up on how to best utilize the technology. But we know that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes the snazzy new device ends up on the shelf to collect dust. If it’s unclear how to best put it to use, it may be that the tool just doesn’t get used at all.
This same idea can play out in the business world. An organization may talk about “digital transformation” and then implement some new tech tools, but without a clear plan for how the technology can move the company forward, it may eventually end up on the shelf collecting dust, too.
The Harvard Business Review article below explores that idea in more detail. They suggest that organizations should look at digital transformation efforts as “business model innovation rather than technology-related change.” Put another way, the change isn’t really about the new technology itself, but about the new things the company would like to accomplish.
Mobility leaders should take this same approach when considering tech-related changes. A lot of leaders talk about improving their technology, but what mobility program improvements are you ultimately looking for? That’s why when we talk to people about our cutting-edge Point C platform, we make it clear that it’s not just a piece of technology. It’s a tool that can help you transform your program. When tech improvements and program improvements go hand in hand, that’s when you know you’re really moving forward.