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Tougher U.S. entry for Indian expats?

This article contains stark statistics that relate to the sharp increase in Indian nationals H-1B and L-1B visa applications being denied when entering the United States. Previous executive orders from April 2017 have begun to impact expats. 

Given these facts and figures, have you had to make changes to your mobility program to accommodate expats entering the U.S.? If you have had to re-shape your strategy for filling these roles, what does that look like?    

The Donald Trump administration’s crackdown on work visas is hitting Indians disproportionately hard. Between July and September 2017, the US denied H-1B visas to 23.6% of Indian applicants, up from 16.6% in the three preceding months, according to the latest data (pdf) released by the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP), a non-profit, non-partisan organisation dedicated to public policy research. This increased scrutiny is a result of president Trump’s “Buy American and Hire American” executive order signed in April 2017.


immigration, executive order, h1-b, visa, work permit, global mobility, plus relocation, mobility strategies, talent mobility