The 2018 Global Livability Index has hit the stands. This annual survey report is put out by the Intelligence Unit at The Economist and ranks 140 cities globally with regard to their livability which measures areas of infrastructure, stability, education, healthcare, and the culture and environment.
So, what are the 10 MOST livable cities in the world?
- Vienna
- Melbourne
- Osaka
- Calgary
- Sydney
- Vancouver
- Toronto
- Tokyo
- Copenhagen
- Adelaide
Many of these same cities get included each year in their top 10, but this is the first time that Vienna has leaped to number one ahead of Melbourne, which had held the top spot for the past seven years! It was the area of "stability" for Vienna that has improved and gotten it into the lead. In many other "quality of living" ratings, Vienna is a top, if not the top, contender as well.
Now, where are those cities that someone would say..."You couldn't PAY me the live there!"?
The bottom 10 LEAST livable cities are:
- Dakar
- Algiers
- Douala
- Tripoli
- Harare
- Port Moresby
- Karachi
- Lagos
- Dhaka
- Damascus
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