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Extended tax deadlines enacted by most states

Earlier this week, we posted that the U.S. and Canada extended their tax deadlines. As previously mentioned, moving the filing and payment deadlines out to July 15 eliminates potential complexity, and results in welcome relief for both taxpayers and tax preparers. 

But this new tax alert from GTN explains that filing and payment deadlines continue to evolve in response to COVID-19 at the state level, too. While states often try to align with federal filing and payment deadlines, each state can make their own decision, so things can vary at the state level. GTN notes that as of March 26, 27 states (including the District of Columbia) had adjusted their deadlines to match the IRS, and six other states along with Puerto Rico had extended to other dates: Iowa (July 31), Idaho (June 15), Mississippi (May 15), Oregon (April 30), Virginia (June 1), Washington (June 15) and Puerto Rico (June 15). As of March 27, the number of states that have aligned to the federal extension date (July 15) has increased to 31. 

Our friends at GTN explain that:

"To assist in staying abreast of new developments, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has compiled the latest developments on state tax filings related to the coronavirus. See AICPA Coronavirus State Filing Relief Summary."

Here is an additional source for state tax deadlines.

In addition to US federal requirements, state tax authorities also continue to monitor the pandemic and take steps to provide taxpayer relief. Although states will often work to align filing deadlines with those provided for US federal purposes, the rules and requirements can vary, making it challenging for employees with multi-state requirements to keep track of the rules.


global mobility, federal tax, state tax, extended deadline, united states, individual states, coronavirus