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What to consider when designing the "ultimate" global mobility experience

Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the world of work was transforming. Toward the end of 2019 and into 2020, companies were working in an evolving talent environment due to changing workforce demographics and positive worldwide economic growth. Record-low unemployment rates for educated, skilled workers, coupled with escalating "quit rates," caused the proverbial “war for talent” to intensify. To remain competitive, companies had to be creative to find, attract, secure and retain talent. Challenges included: 

  • Fewer candidates were available for each employment opportunity.
  • Companies had to expand search areas to find talent. 
  • The process of securing talent became longer and more complex.
  • There was an increase in recruiting costs.
  • An elevated importance was placed on the employee experience (including the experience of mobile employees).

The pandemic has forced global mobility teams to be more agile and focus on assessment, monitoring and responsiveness. To ensure success moving forward, they must collaborate with talent management, educate and lead business-line managers and recruiters, operate efficiently, and focus on cost control, accurate reporting and compliance. Is your team capable and ready to support your company in this new environment?

Learning more about how peers are running their talent mobility programs is helpful for getting ideas for improving your own program. Rarely is the solution as simple as "cutting and pasting," but exploring how others are adjusting and adapting to the challenges of domestic, intra-regional and/or inter-regional international movement of people can be enlightening. This example shares insights from a Global Mobility Specialist at Wildlife, a unicorn company with teams working in six global offices — São Paulo (Brazil), Buenos Aires (Argentina), San Francisco (U.S.), Orange County (U.S.), Palo Alto (U.S.) and Dublin (Ireland). 

Learn more about:

  1. the overall talent mobility strategy at Wildlife and the mobility processes that support that strategy
  2. the four pillars at the core of their mobility approach
  3. how policy, process and people combine to deliver the experience
  4. how specific benefits tie back to company culture
  5. what they feel creates a great experience and why that is so important to the company's business objectives

If you’re questioning your global mobility program’s place in the organization or level of efficiency, evaluate the global mobility strategy holistically. Determine if roles could be more clearly defined or restructured to ensure all aspects of the program are handled effectively without unnecessary overlaps. Defining the strategy and designing the proper model for your organization will make a world of difference and help ensure you’re operating within a world-class mobility program both now and in the future.

While the current environment is not ideal for people movement around the world, some areas are beginning to ease restrictions. As mobility managers remain aware of the evolving global situations and adjustments to restrictions, reconsidering policy, process and people will help provide insights to help as you strive to design the ultimate global mobility experience, even in this "new normal."

We created a flexible Global Mobility policy, following a market trend, and constantly follow the satisfaction of employees hired to make improvements. Today, we have mandatory benefits and services as well as a flexible area, which the person sets up according to his/her needs and the limits of the package. Some want to bring pets, for example. Others would like to spend more days in a hotel to calmly look for a house. This more flexible policy reduces the number of exceptions and makes budget control easier. Global Mobility is a complex and expensive process. The next step we look for is to centralize all processes in a unified platform.


global mobility, review, benchmark, explore, people, process, policy, talent attraction, new normal, restrictions and barriers