So many more companies are so much more comfortable with "work from home" arrangements thanks to COVID-19. Between that, travel restrictions and continued employee tentativeness around relocation, there is concern that there might be a "fundamental rethink" of talent mobility.
However, a recent pulse survey from PwC revealed that 58% of the companies surveyed said they are allowing employees to start new roles from their home country or home location, and only 12% felt that the pandemic will trigger a fundamental rethink around mobility. 44% said they would return to business as usual as soon as possible with the same number of moves. Looking further out into the future, only 20% believed that the number of international moves will decrease in the future as a result of this crisis.
With a number of more positive reports regarding different potential vaccines, there could be increased optimism from employees and they might be more willing to relocate for the right position. In some recent interviews we have done here at Plus, one relocating employee stated, "I did consider putting my relocation on hold briefly while the COVID-19 pandemic was at its worst in March and April. Now I believe that with the right work policies in place, such as mandatory work-from-home, I can be safe even if I relocate."
After having made it through the shock of the initial COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020, many companies are now re-evaluating their mobility programs to look at how to increase the employee experience, better address duty of care, maximize ROI or even reduce mobility expenditures. PwC says, "The survey clearly shows that, despite the current disruption, strategic mobility projects remain a priority for the majority of companies, and many are using the pause in their activities to reassess their governance over business travel and examine mobility-related spend, the kind of packages they offer, and whether they can arrange for virtual deployments while travel restrictions are in place." Companies want to be well-positioned and ready to go when called upon.
Innovative thinking and quality technology are leading the charge when it does come to "rethinking" mobility! Want to consider what steps to take? Try our latest report: "Challenge, Accepted: How to Overcome Obstacles and Support Your Relocating Employees."