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Maybe we should call it the "Great Reassessment?”

With so much chatter about the “Great Resignation” these days, is it possible it’s not really an accurate term?

Gina Nebesar

, co-founder and CPO at Ovia Health, offers up a slightly different term: "Great Reassessment.” Writing in Inc., she says it’s not so much that employees don’t want to work at all, which is somewhat implied by the term “Great Resignation.” Instead, many workers are reassessing what they value in a job — and whether their current employers hit the mark. That’s leaving many people to quit their current roles, but also quickly slide into new positions.

That’s probably a more accurate depiction of what’s happening in the current talent environment. And as Nebesar points out, while this is certainly good for employees, it could also be a positive for employers. Or at least it could be for those employers that are willing to use this opportunity to take a holistic look at their benefits, culture and more to make sure it’s connecting with talent.

She lists five things organizations can offer “to create the type of workplace that's most attractive to employees in the current job market.” Included on her list are “a culture that puts family first,” “hours and working environments that are flexible” and “accessible, easy-to-understand benefits.” Nebesar doesn’t specifically list “mobility opportunities,” but as I’ve written about before, mobility can play a key role in keeping people around.

So does your mobility program put families first? Are you offering flexibility around where and how people are working? And are your benefits both easy to understand and easy to put to use? Make sure your mobility team is always meeting employees where they are and providing the support they truly need.

So really, what we're seeing isn't a "Great Resignation." It's better termed a "Great Reassessment." To be clear, this phenomenon is a positive one--for everyone. Employees are empowered to find a workplace that truly works for them, and employers--those that will succeed, anyway--are taking the opportunity to comprehensively evaluate benefits, pay, culture, and all the other elements that determine whether they're serving as a departure point or destination during the current moment of upheaval.


great resignation, hiring, hr, talent, talent retention, mobility, benefits, employee experience