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Finding efficiencies in your mobility program (take the survey!)

We've spent some time recently talking about what global mobility programs are prioritizing in 2023. Containing cost is still a focus for many programs, as is continuing to improve the employee experience. But our 2023 Global Mobility Trends survey revealed that the number 1 priority for mobility programs this year is “Streamlining Processes and Creating Efficiencies” - 70% of participants said they need to evaluate and restructure processes to create more efficient mobility management practices within their program. 

Last year "efficiencies" was not a top 5 focus area. Here was the list for 2022:

  1. Aligning with talent strategy (attracting/retaining employees)
  2. Improving the employee experience
  3. Increasing mobility volume and resuming "on hold" moves
  4. Addressing remote work issues
  5. Increasing program and policy flexibility

What a difference a year makes! Here's the top 5 list for 2023:

Top 5 Global Mobility Priorities for 2023

  1. Program efficiencies: Streamlining processes and creating more efficient practices is the top priority for mobility programs in 2023.
  2. Policy work: Adding, removing, reviewing and/or revising policies.
  3. Employee experience: Improving the employee experience stays a top priority, down from #2 in 2022.
  4. Costs: cost containment or reductions will be a primary focus for many mobility programs in 2023.
  5. Aligning with talent strategy: Last year's #1 settles into fifth place for 2023. 

As it relates to mobility focusing on program efficiencies, we wanted to dig in further and gain a better understanding of where people plan to focus, how they plan to go about this process, and even consider what would get (or is getting) in their way. 

To get some data on this, we are running our 2023 Efficiencies in Global Mobility Survey. 

The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete, and we're looking forward to the insights we'll be getting from industry leaders across the world. Jump in and tell us how you're working to make your program run more smoothly, and we'll send you the results in a comprehensive report!

how is your mobility program running? Take our Efficiencies Survey and see how you compare


global mobility, top priorities, 2023, efficiencies, cost, experience, explore, survey, research, support, insights, streamlining, management, effective