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New info on why talent mobility matters

If talent mobility is the means to an end, what is the end goal? In this article from Morgan Crosby, Chief Strategy Officer at AIRINC, she helps explain the goals that global mobility can help companies and relocating employees reach. Despite recessionary headwinds and increased employee reluctance to move, mobility can unleash critical potential and engagement that make a talent program more potent.  As Morgan states, "AIRINC has the statistics to back this up. We frequently survey the business and the employee to pinpoint the perceived value of mobility."

She continues by explaining in those surveys/conversations what the business stakeholders and the employees each had to say about the value of mobility for the company and for the individual:

When the business was asked what the most valuable aspects of mobility are:

  • 79% strongly agreed “to offer professional development of employees”
  • 62% strongly agreed “to meet long term talent objectives” 

This is compared to only 38% who strongly agreed the most valuable aspect of mobility is “to fill open roles”.

When employees were asked why they took an international assignment or transfer:

  • 86% strongly agreed “it was for their long-term career development”
  • 84% strongly agreed “it was to gain professional skills”

Whereas only 10% strongly agreed they took an assignment or transfer for financial gain.

The survey results clearly show that mobility is valued for its ability to develop and engage talent.

We could not agree more. In a recent post, we explored how global mobility is both tactical and strategic. Coming into 2022, companies told us that aligning with talent strategy - attracting top candidates and retaining critical employees - was their #1 focus area. Now, for 2023, talent strategy remains one of the top 5 priorities for mobility programs. 43% of mobility leaders are trying to identify ways mobility can better support professional development, recruiting, and retention. Many survey participants mentioned getting involved in helping their company consider how to handle remote work requests and monitor/track employees. A number of corporate mobility leaders mentioned needing to create career development, leadership development, and rotational programs to support growth and retention. Others spoke about the desire to have mobility support DE&I initiatives. 

Mobility leaders are becoming bigger advisors and strategic thinkers about how the company can continue to tap the movement of talent to maximize employee experience, development, and engagement while ultimately elevating company revenue, profits, and expansion. It's a win-win that requires global mobility to engage with talent and business stakeholders to identify and create new opportunities for supporting talent attraction, developing stronger leadership pipelines, and raising the level of engagement and retention.

Join us on August 17th! We can't wait to discuss this further with Morgan Crosby at our next Plus Spotlight webinar! Topics will include:
• Current relocation challenges
• Advancing DE&I and sustainability through mobility
• Using technology to supercharge talent development
• Building flexibility into mobility programs

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At AIRINC we believe mobility makes the world a better place. This is front and center in our mission statement “We believe the most successful companies purposefully deploy talent, unleashing the full potential of their people on a global scale.”  Mobility does wonders for companies, it frees talent to be mobile, allows the exchange of diverse thoughts and ideas, promotes diversity, and allows companies to operate globally. It also greatly benefits employees. Employees with international careers will often be the first to tell you that mobility changed their lives, opening up opportunities for career growth, personal development, and cultural enrichment. And AIRINC has the statistics to back this up. We frequently survey the business and the employee to pinpoint the perceived value of mobility.