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Global mobility...on earth!

It's Earth Day! Today, let's talk about how global mobility can become a bigger part of corporate sustainability efforts. 

Governmental and corporate sustainability requirements are becoming more and more rigorous in response to growing concerns about climate change and its wide-reaching effects. Just look at all the billion-dollar weather climate disasters here.  For more evidence and proof, check out the EarthJustice site and read this article, “How Climate Change Is Fueling Extreme Weather”. Here's a quick summary:

Recognizing that relocation can have a large environmental impact, many global mobility professionals are committed to playing their part in helping meet sustainability goals. In July 2022, WERC (Worldwide Employee Relocation Council) brought our industry together by creating the Coalition for Greener Mobility. CERC and EuRA are also founding members, and the coalition hopes to help global mobility and relocation professionals navigate current and emerging sustainability issues and forge the future for our industry and our world. 

The reality though is that in this years 2024 Global Mobility Trends Survey, only 10% of participants stated that "sustainability initiatives (e.g., "going green" with benefit offerings, evaluating suppliers, etc.)" was a Top 5 priority. We more specifically asked participants to rate the level of importance your mobility program will place on "sustainability initiatives" in 2024 on a scale of 0-100 (with 0 = not important and 100 = extremely important) and the results were:

Despite this not falling higher on the mobility program priority list, we do have numerous ideas for mobility programs to consider. Some of the ideas have a moderate cost, but some have no cost or might actually help save costs. Some will appeal to your employees and we have seen some programs offer certain services or benefits as choices that the employee can make to align with their own philosophy or perspective, thereby enhancing the flexibility and appeal of the overall mobility program. 

Whatever your organization’s goals are for boosting sustainability, we have options for you. If you’re interested in exploring some of these recommendations together, get in touch with us. We want your mobility program to help define your company’s commitments to a greener future.

What up, world? It's your boy, just one of the guys down here Well, I could be more specific Uh, I'm a human And I just wanted to, you know For the sake of all of us earthlings out there Just wanted to say We love the Earth, it is our planet We love the Earth, it is our home We love the Earth, it is our planet We love the Earth, it is our home 0:19 / 7:11 Lil Dicky - Earth (Official Music Video)


sustainability initiatives, global mobility, talent mobility, relocation policy, benefits, service delivery, partners, carbon, climate change, earth day, environmental impact, coalition for greener mobility, weather disasters, dubai, droughts, severe storms, wildfires, flooding, cyclones, typhoons, earthjustice, pollution, plastic