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In this competitive talent market, experience is everything - especially for mobility

Most companies out there have been impacted by current hiring and talent management woes. There has been a lot of recent effort to understand what it takes to both attract quality new talent and retain key existing employees. While we read that some companies are actually dealing with layoffs, others are still wrapped up in hiring problems. According to this article from HR Grapevine, finding and keeping top talent starts with the employee experience, an observation that I certainly agree with. 

"Employee experience encompasses everything an individual sees, does, learns and feels during their time as an employee." When an employee (new or existing) has the opportunity to work with your global mobility team and all of your policies, processes, tools and partners, what type of experience are they getting today? 

Today's talent is requesting greater flexibility, more choice, the ability to act autonomously and more tools to support what they really need to make mobility work for their specific needs. Relocating employees are demanding to feel more cared for and valued, not shoved into copy-paste policies that aren't actually providing personally useful benefits. Mobility has always been complicated, even more so now because of logistical issues caused by a global pandemic, combined with supply chain problems that have thrown wrenches into just about everything. 

What worked in the past doesn't necessarily translate to good support for 2022's talent goals. Unfortunately, many relocating employees are getting an outdated experience, instead of what they actually need to make a move happen. If experience is everything right now, a bad mobility experience can be a huge barrier to getting the talent your company needs to stay competitive. 

HR Grapevine's article certainly echoes the data we have seen from employees who have relocated using our Point C benefit selection platform. User testing and user testimonials have shown repeatedly that mobile employees prefer building a policy for themselves that applies to their needs and puts the power in their hands. It is clear that companies are in need of technology-led tools that lower relocation costs, attract better talent, and boost employee engagement. Consider how you can make your program more "exceptional" by ridding it of "exceptions" which add cost and taint the employee experience.

As we move into the 2nd half of 2022, and then into 2023, what are you doing with your global mobility program to make it better, dramatically better? How are you going to improve the employee experience for those coming through your program? Even with all the problems plaguing mobility right now, a great employee experience is possible and your relocating employees are worth it! Don't lose out on great talent because of a less than stellar mobility experience.

The battle to retain employees has officially begun for businesses the world over. As job vacancies are opening faster than firms can fill them, starting salaries for permanent staff climbed at the second-fastest rate on record in February, driven by competition for workers and the impending cost of living crisis. With vacancies rising and the candidate pool shrinking by the day, retention is more important than ever. In such a competitive market, ‘churn and burn’ workplace cultures are unsustainable and costly for organisations seeking to grow and thrive in an increasingly difficult economic landscape. Instead, a new approach is needed. One that puts people-first and prioritises their need sufficiently enough to convince them to stay. And that all starts with the employee experience.


retention, attraction, talent, strategy, support, effective, success, hire, global mobility, relocation, competitive