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How can Global Mobility "delight" 5 different generations in the workforce?

It probably should not be surprising that Bev White (CEO of Nash Squared) uses the words "curious, bold, and kind" to describe herself. Leaders who embrace these characteristics create an environment where employees feel safe to explore new ideas, take risks, and challenge the status quo. And creating this kind of environment may be even more challenging today than ever for leaders. According to Rachel Powers, "This type of leadership has been shown to lead to higher-performing, more-adaptable organizations."

In supporting her organization to be "adaptable", Bev is helping the company to face the fact that for the first time ever, there are now five generations in the workplace at the same time. A multi-generational workforce should definitely add to the richness of the work environment, bringing valuable perspectives, experiences, and insights. But it can also add complexity as each generation brings unique preferences for communication, collaboration, decision-making, mentorship, and interaction. The various mindsets of people in different life phases means that the variety of unique needs has risen in the workplace. And companies are reviewing and reconsidering how their compensation and benefit plans look and feel. This article from Roundstone offers some insights on each generation and their commonly desired benefits. The chart below is a summary:

Recent buzzwords like "quiet quitting" are here because parts of the workforce are responding to the world and work environment around them. So in order to prevent that and raise engagement levels, employees will need to feel heard, seen, and cared for. How better to do that than by providing a program that supports their needs as they relocate or go on assignment? A system where they can choose options that appeal and apply to their direct needs and lifestyles? 

Our Global Mobility Trends Survey is coming to a close, but at this point, it is clear that mobility programs are focusing on improving their duty of care, maximizing expenditures (for some that means cost reduction) while still elevating the employee experience. With 5 generations in the workforce, a system that provides flexibility and new benefit options will be a focus for global mobility in 2023. A structure that allows employees to "choose their own adventure" might be the the way to go about solving for everyone!

For more thoughts on what to consider for giving five generations what they need when going mobile, try one of these:

Making your mobility benefit portfolio more potent! 

Would "true flex" in your mobility program help to attract and retain talent? 

Workforce Mobility – What It Means and How It’s Changing

This week, Management Today meets Bev White. As CEO of Nash Squared, she has led the company through significant growth. Since joining in February 2020, the company has tripled its operating profits, expanded its international footprint and experienced the biggest investment in people and technology in its history. Previously, she held the top role at GI Group, one of the world’s largest staffing companies operating in 57 countries and at HR consultancy company, Intoo. With over 20 years of senior leadership under her belt, it’s hardly surprising Computer Weekly identified her as one of the most influential women in UK tech and among the top 100 influential leaders in Europe’s staffing industry.


global mobility, relocation, employees, relocating employees, workforce, adaptible, better performance, five generations, employee experience, quiet quitting, choice, options, benefits, unique, appeal, apply, initiatives, multi-generational workforce