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Is DEIB a "thing" that mobility can support?

At the beginning of 2024, Topia boldly predicted that there would be more and more focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives. That was reinforced with data from our 2024 Global Mobility Trends survey, which found that that 4 in 10 participants listed DEIB as an important priority for their mobility programs. Another 50% considered DEIB a moderate priority, and only 12% listed it as a low priority. 

There is some divisiveness around what companies should or should not be doing for DEIB programs, but there is ample evidence that DEIB initiatives can bring benefits such as innovation, creativity, customer satisfaction and employee engagement. In fact, 57% of executives have actually expanded their DEIB programming this past year.

So is DEIB something that your mobility team can directly support? We think so. Finding and keeping the best talent means building diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging into your company at every level. Your relocation and assignment programs can be a catalyst for making that happen, and mobility can contribute towards your company's desire to make an impact. One of our goals at Plus Relocation is to help shape mobility programs into drivers of change and accessibility, so we are always looking for practical ways to build DEIB into relocation policies, processes and partners. 

Mobility can help make a difference for diverse talent in a number of ways. Program eligibility, policy structures, supporting language, exception management philosophy, specific benefit options, and supplier partners can all play a role in helping relocating employees feel welcomed and included. 

That's why we are calling out this article from Fast Company, "This entrepreneur experienced homophobia overseas. Now he’s making the world friendlier for LGBTQ+ travelers”. Matthieu Jost started Misterb&b, an LGBTQ+ travel-booking platform, after an unsettling encounter abroad. It has since grown to more than a million users. Tapping into resources like his company can be a direct channel for mobility programs to create options for enhancing DEIB through benefit options and partnerships.

June kicks off Pride month during which we celebrate DEIB. We are looking for news to share and celebrate what mobility programs have done recently, and/or will be doing, to align with corporate DEIB initiatives and enhance the spectrum of employee experiences! Tell us what your focus is! Send me a note at



Jost and his partner immediately left, but the experience shook him. He wanted to ensure that other members of the LGBTQ+ population could travel safely. Jost, a French entrepreneur, raised $15 million to build Misterb&b, a travel platform that started for gay men and has now evolved to become the world’s largest LGBTQ+ travel community. Today, Misterb&b has more than a million users. Jost has been recognized by Out magazine as one of the top 100 most influential LGBTQ+ leaders.


diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, initiatives, predictions, trends, 2024, priority, employee experience, talent mobility, program, policy, process, partners, deib, employee engagement, pride, june, change, enhancement, choice, control, flexibility, options, application, philosophy, travelers, bias, celebrate