11/14/2023 2:59:46 PM ICYMI: Global visa updates (and air pollution?) By Chris Pardo Managing talent mobility means staying informed and adaptable. If you have up to date information on global changes, it helps your team...
3/24/2023 2:04:47 PM Positivity versus potential challenges in the mobility world By Chris Pardo We try to stay alert with what we are hearing from the travel industry, particularly on the business travel side of things as there is a...
7/5/2022 2:39:35 PM Global Talent Trends midway through 2022 By Chris Pardo How long have we all been wanting to reach "post pandemic" times? Are we there at this point? It is interesting to me that Covid was not...
8/2/2021 1:32:21 PM What are the key priorities for global mobility over the next two years? By Chris Pardo When something as profoundly disruptive as a global pandemic hits, it probably should not be surprising that the amount of change and...