3/13/2023 2:36:14 PM How does the Zeigarnik effect apply to global assignment management? By Chris Pardo The Zeigarnik Effect In 1927 in the journal Psychologische Forschung, a Lithuanian psychologist named Bluma Zeigarnik first published her...
3/9/2023 4:14:54 PM The secret to a great mobility experience can't be stressed enough! By Chris Pardo It turns out that reducing stress is the best way to guarantee a great relocation experience. This might not be the most surprising...
8/31/2022 4:11:44 PM Are emotions impacting your global mobility program? By Chris Pardo About a year ago, we wrote about how increased stress was impacting mobility programs. Coming into 2022, the aggregate of the stress,...
11/22/2021 1:47:53 PM “Reentry anxiety” is real. How can me manage it? By Susan Benevides One of the key words used in corporate boardrooms this year has been “reentry.” Companies have been tasked with 1) deciding if or when...
11/8/2021 2:30:32 PM How can global mobility be more aligned with our neurobiology? By Chris Pardo This article in the Harvard Business Review, "Forget Flexibility. Your Employees Want Autonomy," hit home hard as it pointed out that...
10/29/2021 4:15:48 PM How is increased stress impacting mobility programs? By Chris Pardo The pandemic has created an incredible amount of change (at times even havoc and chaos) and has required us to make adjustments to almost...
8/10/2021 3:54:01 PM Will "flight risk" translate into the increased importance of relocation? By Chris Pardo Nearly 4 million Americans left their jobs this past April, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics — an unprecedented...
3/30/2021 2:22:51 PM On container ships, canal blockages and embracing what we can’t control By Susan Benevides After nearly a week of being stuck, the massive container ship that was blocking the Suez Canal has been freed. And this got me thinking...
3/3/2021 7:42:45 PM Might music make moving more manageable? By Chris Pardo Let's start by appreciating the alliteration in the title of this post. It's almost musical! Then, let's consider the power of music and...
2/17/2021 2:18:41 PM The art of converting distress into eustress! By Chris Pardo Did the world feel more stress in 2020 than any year ever? According to BrainFacts.org, studies have backed up the idea that more people...
9/3/2020 12:00:00 AM Uncertainty, anxiety translating into more stress for relocating employees (and most everyone else) By Chris Pardo Uncertainty = anxiety, and that translates into "stress." Interesting, and yet not surprising, that internet searches for words related...
8/20/2020 12:00:00 AM Considering the experience of moving in the midst of a pandemic By Chris Pardo As COVID-19 peaks across states in the U.S., peak moving season this year is looking "peaked" as compared to this time last year. But...